Facilitate exchanges between the PhD students of my college

One of the recurring issues that PhD face is loneliness: isolation can refer to work (personal project), social life (when the number of colleagues is small, or when they are not very present) or both. The situations vary from one college to another. The first thing to do is to identify the needs (if there are some): you can discuss your impressions with your colleagues and see if some solutions exist. If something already exists and works, you could join the movement and reinforce it! If nothing meets your expectations and if loneliness is too difficult, why not launch and create a new initiative? It’s possible, even as a new PhD student! 


Within ReD, we think that the exchanges between the PhD students of the same college can be categorized in two sections, the first one being as valuable as the second. Here are some examples that already exist in some colleges and ideas that are gathered for each of the two sections:


  • Social exchanges:
    • Monthly meals
    • Afterworks, parties, etc.
    • Facebook groups
  • Scientific and Educational exchanges:
    • Monthly meetings for thematic exchanges dealing with methods, readings, blocking situations or anything else
    • Common sessions of work
    • Thematic seminar organized by and for PhD students of the same college or gathering one or several faculties
    • Platform to exchange files, references, tools,...
    • Mutual help for peer-reviewing, for practicing before an oral presentation, etc.

Tips: Many are reluctant to get involved in group activities for fear that they lack time. Short formats are therefore a preferable option (limited speech time, restricted number of presentations, etc.)!

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