Being a PhD candidate at the University of Liège

Here are the institutional bodies that manage doctoral policy:

  • The CUFDD (University Council for Doctoral Training and Doctorate): This is the legislative body. It decides the institutional policy of the third cycle (your doctorate).

  • The Doctoral Office: Did you know that ULiège is one of the only universities that allows doctoral students to take part in certain decisions and debates on the internal functioning of the doctorate, within an official cell?

    The Doctoral Office actually includes a member of the Research & Development Administration, a College President and a doctoral student for each of the 3 university sectors (i.e. Science & Technology, Health Sciences and Human & Social Sciences). The doctoral students are therefore present in the same number as the academics.

    Previously, the doctoral volunteers have for example brought to the Office innovative ideas and projects around the issue of well-being during the thesis, the relationship with the supervisor, the annual evaluation system or the support received by the support committee.

    At the end of each academic year, you can apply to represent the doctoral students of your sector and, why not, bring new perspectives to improve the condition of the doctoral students of ULiège. Interested or decided? Ask your questions or apply here.

  • The CCS (Scientific body council): This is the representative body. It represents the scientific staff to the authorities of the institution and organizes the reflections that concern the scientific career. It represents the diversity of status and membership of the scientific staff. It uses its knowledge of the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of scientific research to analyze the evolution of the research profession and to propose structural improvements, either on its own initiative or at the request of the authorities.

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